Ode To The Robin

Oh, what blissful light

Is locked within those eyes,

The crimson feathers that adorn 

And head cocked in surprise. 

A life of simple dealings 

Is all you carry on,

Earning your next meal 

In the grass upon my lawn.

How do you do it?

You outlive the frost

And take the winter’s frown,

After summer we have lost.

What I see as rain 

You see as blessed, 

A surplus of worms

To take to the nest.

The glory of a sunrise 

Is reflected on your breast,

A little splash of promise 

Of what life will bring next.

How do you do it?

Though the winter rages on

You remain just as happy 

With each growing dawn.

A gift from sister Spring

To drive out brother Snow,

And bring warm rays of sun 

To our garden down below.

Working hard in the heat 

To have safety for the cold, 

And raising up your young

As you yourself grows old.

How do you do it?

Life holds such joy for you;

Tho it’s hardships hit at home 

The tears never do.

Well, Easter has passed and I think it’s officially safe to say happy Spring! A few days ago I observed a little red-breasted robin pecking in the grass on my lawn. He’d cock his head in new surprise and gratitude with each insect he munched on and exhibited such contentment and simple joy in his demeanour that I determined to write a short little poem just for him.

Happy Spring! Until next time, Ramona MacKinnon

Beyond What’s Spoken

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